Policy Brief on the Economic Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on ASEAN released
ASEAN Policy Brief – April 2020_FINAL-1Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic on 11 March 2020, lives have been upended and economic activities disrupted around the world. ASEAN is not spared with rising confirmed cases in all ten Member States.
ASEAN Member States have rolled out measures to contain and counter the impact of the outbreak, including the economic impact. Collectively, the region has also taken some steps and continues to discuss ways to address this unprecedented challenge.
This issue of the ASEAN Policy Brief looks at the economic impact of COVID-19 outbreak on ASEAN, responses from ASEAN and its Member States, and offers policy recommendations.
The ASEAN Policy Brief can be downloaded from: https://asean.org/?static_post=asean-policy-brief
credits : asean.org