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The ASEAN Furniture Industries Council (AFIC) was established in 1987 as a regional trade organization to promote the interests of the ASEAN furniture industries of each ASEAN country that are certified by their respective ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industries or its equivalent.

Despite the current fragility of the global economy and the significant impact of increasing geopolitical tensions on consumer psychology, there is a positive outlook for the ASEAN supply chain and consumer market. Strong collaboration within ASEAN can provide us with the strength and opportunity to attract global attention as a key supply chain center. Our AFIC organization is poised to play a significant role in this delicate economic environment by showcasing collaboration through the six strong pillars we have established together. Let's work together and demonstrate how our combined strength can shape a brighter future for the global market.

AFIC 2022-2023 Roadmap

subject for revision

As part of our AFIC 2025 roadmap towards a sustainable future, AFIC has the impetus to spearhead initiatives to uplift achieving sustainability and bridging the action-intention gap. A special Sustainability task force will be formed to work together with related stakeholders to tackle challenges faced in the bid to adopt green business practices and grow more regional growth champions.

With the application of Digitalisation and technology being fast-tracked due to the pandemic, along with heightened emphasis on sustainability, the region is definitely in a position to take advantage of embracing these drivers to not only keep their organisations from afloat but to propel them ahead of competitors.

Other key drivers include that of Design. It is also crucial to carve out an identifiable and distinctive ASEAN design movement that would become synonymous to the region and set out a revolution of new and desirable modern lifestyle furniture and design.

On the strengthening of the region, more collaborative efforts must be harnessed in order to place the region in a commanding position for the world to invest in the region. Grooming the next generation of leaders are ready for the new normal while adhering to time-honoured family traditions to keep their crafts and businesses alive.

While on the international front, AFIC aims to provide new avenues for regional member countries to assist in keeping their internationalisation efforts and opportunities engaged.

Secure legal and sustainable wood products that ensure responsible manufacturing.
